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Finish Charting Faster NOW

To the physician who is a great doctor but feels a crushing WEIGHT from all the charting...

Hours of your life back or a big raise...YOU CAN HAVE BOTH?!? 


Efficient physicians aren't born... They Are MADE! 
...nurtured and equipped one step at a time!

There are 3 Essential Components Every Physician Needs if you actually expect to Finish Charting Faster and still take great care of Patients!

Read on to see how you, too, can take the hassle & stress out of getting equipped to finish those charts and paperwork faster so you
Go Home Sooner with 
All Your Work DONE!

With My Own Results Like These:

“My notes are done within 30 minutes of the last patient leaving!" 

"I spend more time with family rather than charting at home"

“I no longer have to do charts in evenings or on weekends!”

It's No Wonder I Couldn't Wait To Share How I Learned to Finish Charting Faster!

From: the Desk of Ryan Stegink, MD, Pediatrician and certified life coach

Charting Kinda Sucks. Especially if you already know how to be an amazing physician but feel it bogging you down? Right?!?

And if you’re like most physicians I know,
you got into this business because you want to help more people...

...not spend all day charting!

Well, the reality is this:

Whether you care for patients in a primary care office, a specialty clinic, or somewhere in the hospital...


Many struggling, burned out doctors think they just have to work harder and bring their charts home to be able to make it to important events outside work.

Other physicians struggling with their charting make the mistake of thinking that it's not possible to finish and go home on time with all the work done, meanwhile dooming themselves to a never ending backlog of notes and paperwork.

If you've ever stayed late charting after your clinic session, then chances are you can relate.

If you've ever been charting after dinner, in the evenings, on weekends, then, chances are you can relate.

If you've ever had to tell your child, not right now I'm still working because you brought your charting home, then, chances are you can relate.

If you feel like the charting will never end, that you are drowning in a pile of paperwork, charts to close, and results to follow, then chances are you can relate.

Dozing off while charting late..again!

Pushing harder and harder to finish while resenting the lack of time to see your patients or be present outside work just increases the pressure and stress you may already be experiencing.

Running faster and faster to keep up may leave you...

Exhausted and Depleted rather than
as the amazing physician
you know you are!


By not slowing down to evaluate your priorities and gain the workflow and mindset tools you need, you may end up on the road to burnout, just like I was.

Wait, wait, wait...but "I'm different," you say. "That won't happen to me! I can balance things and somehow get my charting done faster. I made it through med school and residency, right?!?"

  • Fewer quality measures to document on?
  • Administrators offering MORE TIME for you to see your patients?
  • Less complexity in the patient populations we care for?
  • More compensation for the work that goes into good clinical reasoning and patient counseling
  • And yet there is HOPE?!?

Do you really think things in medicine will magically get easier in the next two years? That there will be...

AND I GET IT! You just want to be done with your CHARTING!

I was that go-getter, enthusiastic young attending, bringing notes home, trying to keep up, only to find myself exhausted and burned out a mere 8 months out of residency.

The truth is that physicians are pulled in a million different directions and often just lack the tools and game-plan to help them maintain focus on the right things and efficiently complete tasks within their electronic medical record system.

If you've tried to improve your charting in the past but wondered what you were missing, you may be facing a hidden barrier you just didn't realize was actually from your journey to becoming an amazing physician.

Previously, this helped you, this served you, this vision and mindset, but now in the midst of charting as an attending physician, it can become a weight, holding you back from your full potential.


 What is this hidden barrier?

Cloaked in excellence and professionalism, it is really a sense of PERFECTIONISM, that I have to do all the things and do them just right, no matter how long it takes.

Pushing harder and harder without looking at some of the process and mindset aspects of charting is like trying to fill a leaky bucket with more water!


Working harder simply doesn't work...at least in the long run! 

But maybe, you're not one of those who wants their notes to be just perfect, that survival mechanism from third year medical school rotations.

Maybe you don't struggle with perfectionism, your thing is that...


There just isn't enough time in the day
to figure out what needs to be changed...
or to implement those changes...

I have said this, too, and yet, you can't get where you want to go traveling the same path you have been on to this point.


You didn't start med school or residency with all the skills you left with...


If you are really serious about getting your charting done faster, you have to make one of two choices right now...

NUMBER 1: Status QUO

You could keep doing what you've been doing and what the notes and paperwork pile up again, OR...

NUMBER 2: Invest in yourself

You can invest in yourself and your workflows to get home faster with everything done!


The Simple Step-by-Step Framework
For getting your charting done faster ...
or Your Money Back!

  • Weekly Detailed Training That Guides You Through the Process to Evaluate Your Clinical Workflows and the tools you want to refine or add to your current skills 
  • 6 weekly GROUP COACHING calls to process where you are at with your charting and give safe space to explore potential changes (replays available) 
  • Get an easy-to-use TEMPLATE GENERATOR to take the hassle and Intimidation out of making new templates!

...because you are a whole person and deserve to be able to spend time outside of medicine too!

It’s time to INVEST in yourself and your charting skills because YOU ARE WORTH IT!

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you become a member…

Brief video trainings and reflection exercises for the High-Yield topics You NEED! 

Training 1:


"Oh, the stories we tell ourselves, the ones we don't even realize are there..."

  • You will get a clear picture of the stories that you've been telling yourself, the stories and narratives that have been told to you.
  • You will get equipped to notice these stories as they come up and determine which stories serve you and help you move forward.

Stories are the CORE of CHARTING MASTERY

Some stories are useful and serve you, but others do not!
EVERYONE has stories in medicine and CHARTING is no exception!

Training 2:


"Sometimes the inadequacy of the tools you have been given feels overwhelming..."

  • You will get clear examples of tools that can help your productivity with charting and receive guidance as you develop your own toolbox.

Training 3:


"You want to connect with patients, feel like a great doctor, AND get done with your work..."

  • You will come away with a concrete plan for how you can chart more in the room while still connecting with patients.
  • You will be able to identify the thoughts and stories that come up that have previously prevented you from doing this efficiently.

Training 4:


"It just keeps piling up, it never stops..."

  • You will be guided through a series of tools and routines that you can personalize in order to efficiently complete your paperwork and messages.
  • You will develop strategies and intentional thoughts to keep you focused when you face barriers.

Training 5:


"I'm running around and it just feels so chaotic and disorganized..."

  • You will get the safe space to recast your vision for how you want to lead your team and optimize your daily workflows

Training 6:


"My mind is all over the place, and I feel frazzled and burned out..."

  • You will get equipped with tools to help you stay mentally strong and flourish as you stay connected to your priorities and the value of interdependence in medicine

“This is great, Ryan!...
But what if I don't have the time or the money to invest in something like this?!”

You might be thinking, "Why do I need this when what I really need is a scribe? Wouldn't that be better? NO.

Thinking that a scribe alone is going to fix your experience with charting is just NOT TRUE!

Not only will hiring a scribe cost tens of THOUSANDS of dollars but they may not be able to do all the orders or look up exactly what YOU want to know in the moment. There will turnover, losing the investments you made in training them.

YOU are the physician, the expert, and YOU have already invested in yourself to be where you are, able to provide AMAZING CARE for your patients!

You have invested in yourself time, money, and effort to get where you are. You have been surrounded by others coming alongside you on this journey...family, friends, teachers, professors, other physicians who have invested in you as well. All this support, teamwork, and hard work on your part doesn't make you any more or less worthy than you already are as a human being. It does, however, prove an important point...


That's right! All these investments in you to become the physician that you are, these have been great investments. You have clinical expertise, critical thinking skills that have equipped you with the skills to get you where you are, but sometimes that doesn't prepare you for the rigors of charting and workflows in today's demanding medical environment. This has left you at risk for burnout as you try harder and the requirements just keep increasing.

And rather than the $2-3K investment that this program will be in the next year...

Just 2 installments of $797

(Just $797 Today)


Click Here to Save $97 When You Pay in Full! 

That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!

The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know improving your charting will improve your experience as a physician, but maybe you're still a little hesitant.. Risk. I get it. Like…

"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”

Well… that’s simple. Try it.

Guarantee #1:

Test-Drive The Program for 30 Days

When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into yourself and your charting workflows, simply email me at [email protected] and we’ll gladly refund your entire investment, just show me you've done the work… 

And that's not all, I’ve Got More For YOU:

When You Enroll You’ll Get


(Hint, valuable ones!)

Included to Help You with YOUR CHARTING and WELLNESS!



Plug & Play Note Template Generator


Imagine just how much easier it will be to create new note templates when you simply need to fill in the blanks! With this powerful resource, I’ve taken the hard work and heavy lifting out of creating your templates!


Modular Template Guide


You get my modular template framework for building your templates in a way that reduces time spent on ongoing maintenance!


When you join Charting Mastery, you'll receive all that you need to equip yourself and make an executable plan to FINISH YOUR CHARTING AT WORK and save hours of time, including...

  • The 6 Essential Training Modules every physician needs to optimize their charting and their thinking around charting
  • Templates & Exercises for each module to help you go deeper and internalize these concepts
  • My Note Template Generator for customizing your own templates with ease
  • 12 CME credits through CMEfy to support physician continuing education and improve financial accessibility of this course
  • My Modular Template Guide to give you a framework for building your templates in a way that reduces time of ongoing maintenance

Just 2 installments of $797

(Just $797 Today)


Click Here to Save $97 When You Pay in Full! 

And in case you were wondering what coaching is like with Dr. Ryan...

“I found this [1:1 coaching] session more helpful and insightful than a therapy session."

"Ryan did a great job making me feel comfortable getting right to the life issues that I've been struggling with the most recently. He reflected my words back to me in a way that helped me to analyze them more thoroughly and get to the heart of what I've been hoping to accomplish in several areas of my personal and professional life. I found this session more helpful and insightful than a therapy session."

Dr. Head
Pediatrician, 1:1 Coaching Client

“I am very thankful for Coach Ryan and would highly recommend him to anyone who is seeking a positive and lasting change."

When I lost my grandfather unexpectedly, I felt like I had no one to turn to. My family was in another state preparing for his funeral and I was “stuck” in my apartment, resting, as I was in my third trimester of pregnancy. When I found Coach Ryan, I was hopeful that he could help my mindset, as I was in a very negative space. Having a 1:1 session helped immensely. He was able to ask me questions that really opened up my perspective and allowed me to create my own thought process around healing during this very difficult time. I went from feeling helpless and guilty, to feeling thankful and full of gratitude that I was able to have some amazing years with my grandpa. Coach Ryan also helped me with other underlying factors that I hadn’t even noticed had been building up. With his help, I was able to release these old thought patterns and ended up enjoying my third trimester and time apart from family. I still use some of the tools we discussed and my mindset has remained strong; even with a crying newborn now! I am very thankful for Coach Ryan and would highly recommend him to anyone who is seeking a positive and lasting change!


Tarynn, J.
1:1 Coaching Client

So you may be more like me than you thought!

At this point, you may be thinking something along these lines...

  • Well that's cool, but I'm not so sure...
  • I can do this on my own eventually...
  • I've already got some templates...
  • I'm not that burned out...
  • I could just change jobs if I really had to...
  • If I just work a little harder, I'll be fine...

These are all the type of thoughts that me from 5-6 years ago would have thought if I had seen a program like this.

And yet, this is just the type of program that I needed but didn't have...

I didn't have the guidance...

  • on my workflows
  • on my templates and other tools
  • on how to manage my mind around charting

And that, right there, is why I am so passionate about bring this opportunity to you.

Six years ago, If you told me "There is a program to help you finish charting faster with your charting, connect to your purpose, AND it is CME-eligible so you can use your CME allowance toward it, I would have said..."



Think about it! In medicine, you have to make a choice, evaluate the patient, discuss your differential and treatment options, and then you put in some orders.

In order words, you have to CHOOSE, to make a DECISION.

So, too, as you think about your charting, this is an opportunity to choose.

You get to choose to invest in yourself, or not...

You've already shown that you can do it...

After all, You WENT TO MEDICAL SCHOOL, you said this is important enough to dedicate years of my life to it...

You had to be IN or OUT on this decision.

Likewise with Charting Mastery, if you are IN, I want you to be ALL IN for the RIGHT REASONS.

Because you want to invest in yourself in this way, because your patients need the best version of you as a physician, your family and friends deserve the best from you rather than watch you complete your charting in bed in your pajamas...

If that's not you right now, you are still a valuable human being because of who you are as an individual, but let that be an intentional choice to say NO, rather than not joining because of some hesitation...

But CHOOSE Quickly!


For this the first time through Charting Mastery, we are only offering this 50% discount for a few short days,

which means this valuable information is likely at the lowest price it will ever be. Which means there has never been a better time than Right Now to get started!

But if you put this off, what will change? Don’t wait! You can get started today!

Join Now & Finish Charting Faster and get home sooner for what matters most to you!

Just 2 installments of $797

(Just $797 Today)


Click Here to Save $97 When You Pay in Full! 

In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are SoME Commonly Asked Questions!

Just 2 installments of $797

(Just $797 Today)


Click Here to Save $97 When You Pay in Full! 

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